September and October Teen Programs

It’s this librarian’s favorite time of year… Fall! And with it comes a slew of programs and fun stuff to do at the library! As always, all programs are free to attend! Some highlights include a new Introduction to Babysitting Course, our Halloween Party, and the bi-annual Super Smash Bros. Tournament.

September Teen Programs


Adulting 101: Sewing Basics

9/4  3:30-4:00  Teen Section

The first in a new series of programs for people ages 16-25, learn how to adult! At this program, participants will learn the basics of how to sew, especially threading a needle, replacing a button, and fixing a seam. 





9/10  3:00-5:00  Nutrition Room

Play Super Smash Bros. against other teens, and the winner of the tournament will receive a gift card to Gamestop!

Snacks will be provided!




3Be Proud! Be Responsible!: Evidence-based Sex Ed

9/11  3:00-6:00  Gallery
9/18  3:00-6:00  Gallery

In this two-part workshop, participants ages 13-21 will learn about their body, how to protect it from STD’s and STI’s, prevent pregnancy, and how to be responsible for themselves and respect others.  Participants that attend both sessions will be awarded gift certificates!

Join Youth Health Educators Janine Dodd, Erica Agudelo, and Amy Ghattas from HRHCare for snacks, group discussions, videos, and educational activities.

Sign-up at the library!

Teen Cooking: Quesadillas!

Nutrition Room

Teen cooking returns! Participants will learn (or share if they already know) how to make yummy quesadillas from scratch. 


5Anime & Manga Club: Sailor Moon Crystal


Join other anime fans and watch this revamped classic! A big “thank you” to Crunchyroll for providing our library with a premium membership!

Based on Naoko Takeuchi’s legendary manga series, Sailor Moon Crystal retells the story of Sailor Moon as she searches for her fellow Sailor Guardians and the Legendary Silver Crystal to stop the dark forces of Queen Beryl.



Banned Books Discussion

9/25  3:30-4:00  Teen Section

What if a book you loved was banned? Challenged? Learn about the First Amendment, how libraries fight against censorship, and how you can help advocate for your freedom to read! Discussion will be followed with some light snacks. 


October Teen Programs


Gaming Mondays: DBZ Fighter

10/1  3:30-4:45  Nutrition Room

Two screens! Play against your friends on either the PS4 or Xbox ONE in this arcade style fighting game.

Snacks will be provided.




9Introduction to Babysitting Course

10/6  10:30-2:30  Nutrition Room

Babysitters are responsible for caring for children and making important decisions while they are in charge. Parents entrust their child with the babysitter, therefore, it is crucial they know the basics of child care.

In this FREE Introduction to Babysitting Course, participants learn interviewing tips, communication skills, ages and stages of young babies and toddlers, safety and first aid tips, and feeding and caring for children, including diaper changing.

A simple test is administered at the end of the course and certificates of completion will be distributed.

Sign-up in advance! There is a space limit of only 30 participants.



Teen Cooking: Pretzels

Nutrition Room

Back by popular demand, come to this program and learn how to make pretzels! Last year everyone enjoyed learning how to make dough, shape their pretzel, and snacking on freshly baked pretzels.

All supplies provided by the library.


Mini Pumpkin Painting

Teen Section

Come to the teen section and take your pick of a selection of mini pumpkins. Then decorate it! All participants will get to take home their fancy gourd.

First come, first served.


Anime & Manga Club: xxxHolic


Join other anime fans and watch this classic supernatural show!

Kimihiro Watanuki is a young boy with a cursed gift. He has the ability to see spirits, and somehow they seem attracted to himself. One day he meets a mysterious woman who names herself Yuuko. She claims to have the means to end his torment, but she never works for free, and she wouldn’t help him until he works for her enough to pay for her services. Thus he starts to work in her shop and discovers that in that place, nothing is what it seems.



Photo credit to: Just Crafty Enough

DIY Zombie Dolls

Teen Section

Do you or a sibling have old doll or figurine toys that you’re not playing with anymore? Want to re-purpose them into something creepy for Halloween? Bring them to the library and transform them into zombies!

Join Miss Sarah in the teen section and create some gruesome new toys. Snacks will be provided! First come, first served. 


Adulting 101: Finding Insurance

Teen Section

Our next installment of Adulting 101 focuses on how to find insurance. People 16-25 are welcome to attend. There will be a 45 minute presentation and a 15 minute time for Q&A afterwards. Hipolita Cabrera from Westchester County Department of Health, Health Insurance Access Program will be presenting at this program.

Snacks and light refreshments will be provided. 



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